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Remote Client



We make use of pre-built binaries of GStreamer to stream the Unity scenes to the headset.

We tested on GStreamer version 1.20.1.

After installation, add GStreamer binary folder path to System Environment Variables and create a new variable called GST_SDK_PATH, pointing to the SDK directory.

  1. Computer -> System properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables... -> System Variables -> Variable: Path -> Edit -> New -> C:\gstreamer\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin

  2. New Variable: GST_SDK_PATH= C:\gstreamer\1.0\msvc_x86_64\


Now, you should be able to run

gst-launch-1.0.exe --version

in a new command prompt window.


You may start using either via our starter project which comes with the package (recommended) or Unity Package Manager.

We tested on Unity version 2022.3.1f.

⭐ To get the starter project:
git clone --branch unity-starter --single-branch Wisor-Unity
➕ To install the package in an existing Unity project:

Launch Unity project, Window > Package Manager > ➕ > Add package from git URL...


or download .unitypackage.


🤝 To contribute to the development of the Unity package:
git clone --branch unity-development --single-branch Wisor-Unity
Supplementary Files

Lastly, download and place the following files in folders respective to the /Assets/ folder:

Wisor: GStreamer, SLAM (optional), ARUco (WIP)Includes native plugins (.dll) necessary for GStreamer and SLAM to work.
StreamingAssets: SLAM-only (optional)Includes vocabulary (ORBvoc.bin) and configuration (.yaml) files that are necessary for ORBSLAM3 to work.
Datasets: SLAM-only (test-only)Includes benchmark visual-inertial datasets, such as tum_vi, to test ORBSLAM3 on.